Stay Ahead in the Competitive...
Based in Northern Ireland, we provide top-tier warehousing and order fulfillment services with a 250,000+ sq ft warehouse for seamless order processing and faster shipping across Ireland and Europe, as well as a bespoke 2 man delivery service across the Island of Ireland
Our fully automated racking system ensures 100% Accuracy and maximum Efficiency
Working with over 35 couriers, we’ll match your product and customer to the right warehouse and delivery service
Are you frustrated with slow, non-responsive 3PL storage and fulfillment services? Tired of dealing with incorrect orders, processing refunds, and inefficient warehousing software? You’re not alone.
At Meteor Space, we leverage years of experience in warehousing, order processing, and pallet storage to offer state-of-the-art storage and fulfillment solutions. Our services are designed to meet the challenges of the 21st century, enhancing your fulfillment operation’s efficiency and profitability. No matter the scale or complexity, Meteor Space propels your business to new heights. Discover the difference with Meteor Space
At Meteor Space, we combine the latest in warehouse technology, automation, and safety with cutting-edge IT solutions to streamline your business operations. We support B2C and B2B businesses of all sizes. Whether you're looking to focus on growing your e-commerce business or aiming to reduce overheads and improve service levels, we have you covered. Our comprehensive range of storage and fulfillment services is designed to meet your needs and drive your success.
Struggling with inefficient 3PL storage and fulfillment services? Dealing with incorrect orders, refunds, and slow warehousing software? You’re not alone.
Meteor Space transforms your operations with advanced warehousing, order processing, and pallet storage solutions. Our modern fulfillment services address the demands of today’s market, enhancing efficiency and profitability. Whether your operation is large or small, complex or simple, Meteor Space elevates your business to new heights. Experience the difference with our cutting-edge logistics solutions and watch your business thrive. Contact us today to get started!
Contact us today about our comprehensive storage and fulfillment services.
Our expert solutions enable your business to reach more consumers, scale efficiently, enhance service levels, and reduce expenses. Talk to our order fulfillment experts for a tailored proposal and detailed cost breakdown of our storage and fulfillment services. Optimize your logistics and drive your business growth with Meteor Space.
When we say we know our stuff on ecommerce order fulfilment, 3rd party logistics and inventory management, we mean it. Unlike many other warehousing and order fulfilment service providers, Meteor Space leads the way by bringing together some of the most experienced brains in the industry. Driven by years of experience in warehousing and by a passion to do things better, we came together to disrupt, innovate and to make life easier for fulfilment operations across virtually all sectors of industry. Sleek, smart and guaranteed to satisfy, we’re inviting your business to transform its warehousing productivity, efficiency and operational speed with a storage and fulfilment services provider that performs: it’s that simple.
By teaming up with Meteor Space’s order fulfilment services you can be sure of getting a fast and reliable service that we can link in with great warehouse and delivery service benefits:
In today’s challenging ecommerce fulfilment landscape, order accuracy is that critical metric that can draw the dividing line between a successful, profitable warehouse and one that haemorrhages revenue. Getting your order right every time is essential, and is the main representation of the trust between your business and its customers. However, as any warehousing professional knows, there’s a lot that goes into preparing an order before it gets delivered.
Unlike other storage and fulfilment services, Meteor Space puts the right systems in place from day one to meet your customers’ expectations, every single time. Don’t worry about customer complaints and frustrating refunds: our in-house software has your business covered from all angles. Here’s how we do it…
Whether your business operates a medium-sized warehouse or a large-scale 3PL operation, one thing is true: customer service is one of the only factors that can truly differentiate you from your competitors. With this challenge in-mind, it’s essential that you choose the right third party logistics provider to give you the competitive edge – encouraging customer loyalty along the way. The modern consumer wants instant gratification, and Meteor Space is here to deliver just that.
We optimise your supply chain to deliver your customers’ demands.
In today’s fast-paced world of order fulfilment services, your customers expect convenience from the get-go. Fortunately, Meteor Space’s range of order fulfillment services have been engineered to deliver a seamless, simple and hassle-free experience, meeting ever-increasing customer demands throughout the year.
Here at Meteor Space, years of experience working with warehousing and large fulfilment operations throughout Northern Ireland, Ireland and the UK highlighted the need for a future-proofed order fulfillment services offering that would facilitate scalability, not hinder it. That’s why our team of fulfilment professionals and order fulfilment experts have designed Meteor Space’s services to facilitate tangible change, wherever and whenever your business demands it. Unlike market alternatives, our approach allows an organic path to business growth.
It’s true: no warehouse ever stays the same. We’ve taken that understanding and built in a range of features that grant your business a unique opportunity to grow, identifying opportunities for improvement and providing the space you need to change picking and packing strategies as you require.
When it comes to overseeing a productive, efficient and profitable warehouse environment, managing your labour resources is just as important as managing your inventory and fulfilment processes. Meteor Space places a strong focus on human resource management, taking the hassle and the fuss out of staff allocation. By using live data and by providing a complete view of your warehouse, our solution allocates your people to where they’re needed most.
Meteor Space Takes the Labour out of Labour Management. It’s simple…
Regardless of the technology, space and inventory that fill your warehouse, it’s the people on the ground who will make the business successful. Meteor Space gives people the platform they deserve, combining data science and unique gamification features to provide an engaging and highly organised experience.
Here at Meteor Space, our storage and fulfilment services give your warehouse the tools it needs to drive a future-proofed ecommerce fulfilment strategy – all via a ready-to-use, out-of-the-box software platform as well our comprehensive range of 3PL services in Ireland and UK. Engineered by some of the industry’s foremost software developers, our 3PL WMS takes the definition of plug-and-play to a new level, working to the best of its ability from its first day in operation. What’s more, our training makes things even easier…
Meteor Space’s order fulfillment services have been devised by 3PL order fulfilment experts, for 3PL professionals.
Our experience in the industry means we understand those critical pain points at the heart of your third party logistics operation. That’s why we combine a user-friendly system with a comprehensive training programme to get your Meteor Space experience off to a running start!
With Meteor Space, warehousing businesses and third party logistics organisations can expect a seamless and easily-synchronised order management system that streamlines fulfilment operations for virtually any sector of industry. But how do we do it? It’s simple: we’ve brought together some of the brightest brains in software engineering to fully equip our technology with the most comprehensive API integration capabilities on the market.
No matter your marketplace, Meteor Space’s WMS platform integrates seamlessly.
Unlike any other eCommerce fulfilment provider, Meteor Space offers full integration with a huge range of electronic data exchange (EDI) services, meaning your business can synchronise with e-commerce solutions including ERP, accounting software, CMS systems and more. Where integration is needed, choose Meteor Space.
API Integrations
Average Increase in Fulfilment Accuracy
Satisfied Customers
Orders Fulfilled
With the rise of eCommerce and the increased uptake of digital tools and platforms, it’s safe to say that the world of order fulfilment and inventory management has changed beyond recognition. Whilst the situation is rapidly changing, this market statistics help tell that story…
The median size of a typical warehouse space, compared to 65,000 sq. ft in 2000 (Westernacher)
Of order fulfilment operations are uptaking automated processes to meet new industry demands (Peerless Research Group)
Of organisations with successful supply chains achieve revenue growth superior to the average within their sector (Deloitte)
Of the average organisation’s logistics resources spent on labour management and HR allocation (Kane is Able)
Of businesses reported human error from manual process management as the primary cause of fulfilment issues (Stitch Labs)
The future of your business depends on it. Contact Meteor Space today for a quote on our warehouse and fulfillment service.
Complete the form below, and one of our order fulfilment experts will contact you to get you started.
When you choose Meteor Space, you choose more than a storage and fulfilment services provider. Meteor Space transforms the productivity, efficiency and profitability of your logistics operation by providing a one-stop-toolkit of smart and regularly updated features that give you total visibility and total control over your business. From your customer’s point of purchase right through to stock checking, fulfilment and product delivery, our team provides an end-to-end solution to any challenge
It’s time to launch your warehouse into the future with Meteor Space: the company created by fulfilment professionals, for order fulfilment experts.
Our fully automated racking system ensures 100% Accuracy and maximum Efficiency
Working with over 35 couriers, we’ll match your product and customer to the right service
When you work with Meteor Space, you can wave goodbye to order delays and painful fulfilment processes. That’s right: our order fulfillment services effectively superchargs your operation by providing eCommerce storage fulfilment services that are at the forefront of modern logistics.
Today’s consumers – in Northern Ireland, Ireland and throughout the world – typically demand convenience and immediate responses to their orders and queries. Regardless of the size, scale or complexity of your warehouse, we’re here to help you deliver just that. Our capable team does all the heavy lifting, letting you focus on those other elements of your 3PL Ireland eCommerce fulfilment operation. From fashion, beauty and supplement fulfilment to sports equipment, gardening supplies and pet supplies, Meteor Space ships more of your products, faster.
Check out our eCommerce Order Fullfilment Services – Find Out More
Is your warehousing business looking for a safe, secure space in which to store pallets and other inventory in Northern Ireland? If so, the team at Meteor Space has you covered. If your warehousing operation faces challenges with space or infrastructural limitations, our popular pallet storage service could be the answer to all of your storage woes.
Here at Meteor Space, we’re proud to provide our customers with a Northern Ireland-based warehouse that comes fully equipped with high-tech automation and the most secure safety features the market has to offer. Indeed, our pallet storage service has been highlighted as one of the most effective ways for Irish businesses to warehouse their inventory of products whilst easing shipping pressures along the way. Regardless of your storage challenges, our team is dedicated to keeping your products secure, easily-accessible and ready to ship as and when required.
Check out our Pallet Storage Services – Find Out More
Are you a business based in Ireland or Northern Ireland with a need for faster, more accurate picking and packing processes? Look no further than Meteor Space. We understand the importance of pick and pack services when it comes to customer success: that’s why we do the hard work for you.
At Meteor Space, our storage and fulfillment services offer the skill, experience and expertise required to deliver a wide variety of pick and pack services. By outsourcing this element of your fulfilment process to our team, you can free up that vital time and energy, allowing you to focus labour resources on other pressing areas. By placing accuracy and speed at the top of our priorities, we ensure that your package is both safe and presented in an aesthetically pleasing way for your customers. Where 100% picking and packing accuracy is needed, Meteor Space’s pallet storage services are the natural choice.
Check out our Pick and Pack Services – Find Out More
Here at Meteor Space, we understand that one of the most significant shifts in the industry over the past decade has been the need to realign fulfilment processes to meet the changing demands of the consumer. That’s why we provide a range of services that help you fulfil orders across multiple channels.
Today’s eCommerce fulfilment landscape requires picking and packing strategies that allow goods to be sold across multiple online marketplaces, stores and sales channels. That’s where our very own inventory management software, Canary7 comes in. Using live data and supported by comprehensive API integration, Meteor Space uses this innovative platform to help your business to allocate inventory for different locations whilst ensuring products aren’t oversold or overstocked.
Find Out More about Omnichannel Fulfillment
Throughout Ireland, Northern Ireland and across the world, Just-in-Time stock control has emerged as an effective method of maintaining stable and successful supply chains. With growing pressures to boost their bottom line, businesses can work with Meteor Space to ensure they stock only what’s needed.
By outsourcing elements of your operation to a third party logistics provider, you can ensure that your JIT stock control strategy gets off to the best possible start. The Meteor Space team ensures that stock arrives when it is needed, either for production purposes or to meet the demands of your customers. By combining our in-house engineered WMS system with the latest in automation technologies, we help your business transition towards a lean management process. You can count on us!
Find Out More about our Just-in-Time Stock Control services.
Are you an importer or exporter of products based in Ireland, Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom or further afield? Do you use, or are you hoping to use a bonded warehouse to store imported goods before processing? If so, the Meteor Space team provides a range of services to help you succeed, whether your warehouse is wet or dry.
If a bonded warehouse is what you need, we’ve got the space to match in our Northern Ireland-based logistical space. Aside from providing the space you need to enjoy the benefits of a bonded warehouse, Meteor Space brings together a wealth of experience in managing order fulfilment services for a huge variety of industrial sectors; ranging from health & beauty and cosmetics right through to toys, gadgets and consumer electronics. The end result? Solutions to your bonded warehouses challenges, regardless of what they are.
Find Out More about our Bonded Warehouse facilities.
Sometimes, you just need a second – or third – or even fourth pair of hands, especially when it comes to moving heavy, bulky or high value items. With Meteor Space’s two-man, white glove delivery services, you can trust us to transport virtually anything: from large appliances to garden furniture.
Whether your business is based in the UK (including Northern Ireland) or the Republic of Ireland, Meteor Space’s storage and fulfilment services provide an efficient and speedy warehouse and delivery service that takes the hassle out of the job. Including everything you need to guarantee a stress-free and on-time experience, our popular white glove delivery service keeps your customers satisfied and regularly updated throughout the entire warehouse and delivery service process. Need a large item delivered at speed? Transporting an item that’s fragile, easily disturbed or high in retail value? Don’t stress – your delivery is in good hands with our 3PL Ireland service.
Are you looking for a way to strengthen, simplify and streamline your eCommerce storage and fulfilment services? Does your logistical operation need a change of strategy to increase profits, boost capacity and smarten up its business procedures? If you answered yes to either of these questions, a vendor-managed inventory strategy could be the solution.
Here at Meteor Space, we understand the significance of making that transition towards vendor-managed inventory processes. That’s why we provide the space and skills required to drive this forward on behalf of your business, facilitating a truly collaborative strategy between buyers and suppliers. By opting for our VMI services, you can base your operation within an authorised, high-performing system that enhances your supply chain excellence.
3PL eCommerce fulfilment is the new norm in Ireland, the United Kingdom and beyond. By opting for Meteor Space’s B2B storage fulfilment services, you can shift your processes from traditional outbound channels to inbound online platforms, helping your business stay competitive in today’s modern, crowded market.
As well as allowing your customers to purchase your goods online, our popular B2B storage and fulfilment services enable your business to increase sales, optimise efficiency and reach new customers and markets. Regardless of the size, scale or nature of your business, we provide the skill, experience and expertise needed to enhance your online presence, helping more B2B clients find you via popular search engines. To take your B2B storage fulfilment services to the next level, don’t settle for standard: settle for Meteor Space.
Check out out B2B Storage and Fulfilment Services – Find Out More
Because your clients expect to receive their subscription boxes at an agreed date each week or month, it’s essential that your business’ shipping process is both timely and reliable. By outsourcing your subscription box storage and fulfilment services to Meteor Space, you can ensure that you’re ticking both of these boxes.
By their very nature, subscription boxes require accurate and timely fulfilment, every single time. In order to meet this requirement, Meteor Space provides the infrastructure, technology and manpower required to negate virtually all of the challenges of subscription box fulfilment; from managing changing order requirements to ensuring the highest levels of quality control. Overarching all of our subscription box fulfilment services is a commitment to ensuring scalability for your business.
Check out our Subscription Fulfillment Service – Find Out More
In today’s competitive marketplace, a successful eCommerce storage and fulfilment centre must be able to connect its IT systems and WMS software to their chosen sales and delivery channels. Meteor Space provides a sleek software platform that unites all of these channels in one secure location.
Our Ireland-based team of in-house software developers, engineers and order fulfilment experts have combined all of their experience and expertise to ensure seamless integration with some of the world’s leading brands. Indeed, regardless of your choice of shopping cart, your business can connect to our 3PL software in just a few clicks. We can even retrieve your orders, process your deliveries and receive & store your goods in our warehouse. With Meteor Space’s integration services, it really doesn’t get any easier…
Regardless of the technology, infrastructure and machinery that supports your customer order management process, one thing is true: the future of warehousing is in the cloud. Unlike many other 3PL Ireland solutions on the market, Meteor Space sets itself apart from the competition by pioneering a cloud-based approach, bringing the definition of warehouse management into the 21st century.
Where Meteor Space leads, others follow. We’re proud to be leading our industry in the uptake and application of cloud-based technologies. So – why should your business manage its fulfilment processes using a cloud-based logistics software? It’s simple:
Get started today by booking a demo to see how Meteor Space can help improve your warehouse operations.
You’ve heard it from the order fulfilment experts: the time is now to embrace a WMS that’s fit for the challenges of today’s busy and demanding marketplace. To meet your customers’ expectations every time, look no further than Meteor Space: the sleeker, smarter distribution software that takes care of labour management, order management, picking, packing, putaway, shipping, returns and more. The list goes on!
Whilst our warehouse distribution management platform is fully-equipped with a huge variety of smart features and high-tech tools, it’s the people behind the platform that are responsible for its success. Based in Cookstown, Co. Tyrone in Northern Ireland, we’re a dynamic team of order fulfilment experts that have been brought together by one common goal: to boost the bottom line of businesses throughout Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and beyond.
We’re proud to enjoy positive relationships with all of our customers, and we’ve got there by offering an open-door, ‘share-the-knowledge’ approach to our customer service processes. Here’s just a few reasons why you can expect the very best from the people behind Meteor Space:
Meet the People Behind the WMS Platform
Got a question on how to improve the processes that run your warehouse? Need advice on using the Meteor Space platform or tips on using the latest tools and features? Don’t sweat it: we believe that our valuable order fulfilment expert knowledge is here to be shared with our customers. Our customer experience team is constantly at-work in creating insightful and highly useful learning resources, helping our user community get the very most out of their work with us.
We aren’t just a warehouse and delivery service provider. We are the fulfilment and logistics sectors’ definitive knowledge resource, providing our community with an industry-leading bank of knowledge sources, advice pieces and user guides that are relevant in Northern Ireland, Ireland and anywhere our system is in use. Here’s what you can expect from the brains at Meteor Space:
Whilst our warehouse management system software has been engineered to provide a sleek, seamless and hassle free user experience, our journey to make things even easier will always continue. That’s why we regularly publish and update handy user guides, providing comprehensive and easily-digestible instructions, tips and guidance on using our broad range of tools and features.
We provide an unparalleled level of flexibility and functionality by fully integrating our system with virtually any digital tool; from Magento and Amazon to eBay and WooCommerce. In order to guarantee a seamless and satisfying experience across all of those platforms, we provide the Meteor Space community with regularly updated API manuals to help you quickly synchronise. Thank us later!
We’ve spent a lot of time working in 3PL Ireland eCommerce fulfilment, and we want to share our years of knowledge with you, the user. In our regularly updated blog, our user community can expect lively and insightful discussions of industry trends and forecasts, as well as helpful tips on using Meteor Space services to their ultimate potential.
Stay Ahead in the Competitive...
Expanding your business internationally requires...
Choosing the right ecommerce order...
Recent data indicates that global...
Efficient warehousing is the foundation...
At Meteor Space we consider ourselves part of your business team and we ensure our services are fully scalable. We understand that in today’s demanding business world flexibility is key – so when your business needs change, we can help adjust so you still get incredible service that keeps you and your customers happy.
We can provide you with the storage and fulfillment services you need to build your business, whether you’re an established brand or an ambitious start-up.
Our dedicated team have are high trained and have a wealth of experience in managing order fulfilment services for health and beauty, cosmetic, nutraceutical, gardening tools, electronics, toys & gadgets, and much more. Our storage and fulfillment services can meet your needs regardless of what they are.
We can offer advice on all aspects of logistics and which storage and fulfillment services will suit your businesses needs. So, call us today for a chat or fill out the contact form and one of our team will be happy to help you as your first choice order fulfillment company in Ireland and Europe.
Meteor Space has been very transparent and easily contacted when it comes to concerns. Expert manpower, knowledge and a great WMS system is the strength of this company. Working with Michael and the team is a great pleasure.
"The Meteor Team are an integral part of Greiner’s customer success, through the provision of pallet storage and despatch services. John and his team are always on hand to support our operational needs, which has experienced continuous growth over the last number of months. What makes Meteor a great 3PL partner, is the collaboration between both operational teams, with an integrated approach to achieving service level excellence."
"The meteor team has been extremely helpful in setting up our business for their 3PL service. Eddie especially has been supportive throughout and the team in general are open to new ideas and developing the nature of the service that we do with them to suit our systems and needs. Nothing is a hassle if it's within reason! Great team to work with"
Order fulfilment is the process of taking an order via an online store and picking, packaging, and delivering the products to the consumer.
Outsourcing your order fulfillment services is a great way to scale your business. Our order fulfilment experts can help you free up time, space, and resources to spend on growing your business.
Outsource our storage and fulfillment service today so you can focus on your business. We do the hard work, so you don't have to.
We are a 3PL based in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Check out the addresses of our warehouse and fulfilment centre at the footer of Meteor Space.
Our warehouse is spread across 200,000 square feet, ensuring there is enough storage space for our clients.
Depending on the inventory, goods are stored in distinct barcoded pickup locations of various sizes.
If you want more information about how inventory is stored, contact our order fulfilment experts.
Outsourcing relieves you of the time and burden of handling the fulfilment process yourself, allowing you to concentrate on what matters most: expanding your business. Our outsourced storage and fulfilment service deliver accurate, timely fulfilment at a low cost, with a selection of speedy delivery services.
Our order fulfilment experts will do the hard for you, so you don't have to! We have a wide range of storage and fulfilment services.
At Meteor Space, we provide a variety of warehouse and delivery services, including international services via parcel and pallet networks.
All major delivery couriers include DHL, DPD, Royal Mail, Yodel, Express Freight, Tuffnells and many others.
Our order fulfilment experts will make sure they match you with the most cost effective delivery partner to ensure you have the quickest delivery service.
Yes, at Meteor Space our order fulfilment experts work extremely hard to ensure your customers receive next day delivery.
We provide next day delivery for our Northern Ireland and Ireland customers.
Yes, Meteor Space is based in Northern Ireland, making it convenient for you to access UK and European markets. We deliver to a wide range of nations at a low cost and in a timely manner.
To make the order fulfilment process fast, automated, and simple for our clients, our storage and fulfilment service is linked with many shopping carts and platforms. Integrating our system with your cart or platform is a stress free experience and easy to do.
We intergate with Magento, Shopify, eBay, Woocommerce, Wix eCommerce, Wordpress, Amazon and many other shopping platforms.
Contact our order fulfilment experts about integrating your shopping platform with Meteor Space.
Our order fulfilment experts will provide you integration instructions for the shopping cart or platform - the overall process only takes a few clicks! It really is that easy!
No, at Meteor Space we have an automated warehouse management system that will automatically receive the orders from your shopping platform.
Once our order fulfilment experts have received the orders, they will start the fulfilment process and dispatch them out to your orders.
At Meteor Space, we provide a comprehensive range of pick and pack services in Ireland and around Europe to meet your specific business requirements. Our order fulfilment experts provide a variety of packing solutions to meet everyone's needs. Different sizes are available to accommodate various items and requests.
Yes, at Meteor Space we take pride in providing green fulfilment services.
Our boxes are always constructed from recyclable material. Our protective filler is also recycled paper.
Read more about our green fulfilment services here.
Our 24-hour manned CCTV system, which is operational throughout the facilities, will keep a tight check on your merchandise.
Using our WMS, you will always have a 360 view of your overall operations.
Our order fulfilment experts will always be available to provide you support and advice.
Yes, at Meteor Space your fragile and high value inventory will be stored in a secure area.
We have a 24-hour manned CCTV which allows our order fulfilment experts to keep a close eye on your store. You don't have to worry when outsourcing our storage and fulfilment service.
Yes! At Meteor Space, we provide a two man delivery service which will deliver your bulky items safely and securely.
Yes, at Meteor Space we are a bonded warehouse based in Northern Ireland.
Our bonded warehouse in the United Kingdom (UK) allows your business to hold merchandise while still having full access to the European (EU) and British (GB) markets.
Having a return process in place is really important to retain customers.
At Meteor Space, our order fulfilment experts are happy to handle returns for your shopping platform. This might include replacing undamaged items as well as combining or eliminating damaged items.
The cost of outsourcing our storage and fulfilment will vary. Contact our order fulfilment experts for a quote.