Almost a third of British companies that trade with the EU have suffered a decline or loss of business since post-Brexit rules took effect on January 1, according to the Financial Times. However, businesses are adapting and changing to meet the challenges presented by Brexit.

Through innovation and working closely with Meteor Space, JMPosner have been able to improve their services to customers throughout the island of Ireland and EU, after drastically being impacted by Brexit.

Dean Long of JMPosner gives us an insight into how they overcame the challenges of Brexit.

Company Background

J. M. Posner is a British manufacturer and supplier of catering equipment and supplies. They specialize in producing high-quality products for use in the food service industry, including items such as cotton candy machines, waffle makers, crepe makers, and hot dog rollers.

J. M. Posner has been in business for over 80 years and has established a reputation for producing durable, reliable, and innovative products. They offer a wide range of equipment to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, from small coffee shops to large catering companies. J. M. Posner’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made them a trusted partner for businesses in the food service industry.

What was JMPosner’s problem before working with Meteor Space?

“After Brexit, JMPosner struggled to provide our usual service to many of our Irish and EU customers due to multiple reasons. The majority of our products are food, and there was a lot of confusion on how to pass customs clearances as the rules haven’t been very clear and seem to vary from country to country, as well as increased shipping times due to custom delays at the border, and sometimes even struggling to find a haulier that will take the freight as they were just all overbooked due to the delays they had been experiencing.”

How has Meteor Space helped JMPosner solve this problem?

“Since using Meteor Space, they have provided JMPosner a platform to reconnect with our Irish/EU customers again,  allowing us to continue to supply them with the products they require to trade without the hassle of having to source products from elsewhere, which could have led to them having to redevelop products they serve/sell. We have been provided warehouse space to keep stock in NI, enabling us to ensure we are able to meet demand and process the orders efficiently as they come in to ensure that our customers outside of the UK are getting the great service, they previously received from JMPosner pre-Brexit.”


What have JMPosner been able to achieve since working with Meteor Space?

“JMPosner has been able to launch our EU website, meaning any non-UK customers can order 24/7 as and when required at a time that suits them, without the stress of having to wait for shipping quotes and the rigmarole of completing custom documents that they had never had to deal with before. It also gives our customers the peace of mind that orders will arrive without the huge delays they were previously experiencing due to customs checks/haulier shortages again.”

Are JMPosner now offering a better service to their customers in Ireland & Europe?

“JMPosner is now definitely able to provide a better service to our customers in the North & South of Ireland, as well as the reduction in shipping costs making it a better option financially for our customers at JMPosner.

 Meteor have helped to take away the hassle of trying to understand a lot of the legislations at JMPosner, as they were open to interpretation and could be read in so many ways, it was unclear as to what the correct protocol was post-Brexit.

Sales are on the up in Ireland and the EU, and Meteor are helping greatly to ensure our customers are looked after with the service they expect for us at JMPosner”

Fulfillment Since Brexit

Even after Brexit, Meteor Space may be your best option if you’re searching for a reputable bonded warehouse to assist you import and export goods between the UK and Europe without incurring additional fees or delays. The storage space and facilities required to guarantee that items may be transferred between the UK and Europe without any delays or problems are provided to clients by our 3PL company and bonded warehouse in Northern Ireland.

Additionally, we offer clearing services to help your goods pass customs fast and easily. As a premier bonded warehouse, Meteor Space has a long history of providing top solutions. We are here to support import and export companies because Brexit has created many issues.

Our team has years of experience storing and organising items in our cutting-edge facility while efficiently importing and exporting them across the UK and European markets! We make sure that every one of your products is secure and protected. You can relax when you work with Meteor Space since we take care of everything for you.

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