Best Ecommerce Platforms: Statistics You Need To Know For 2023

Find out the latest statistics and trends for the best ecommerce platforms and choose the perfect platform for your business 

Ecommerce is a sector that has shown tremendous growth in recent times. People are more aware of online shopping and are interested in making purchases that can be delivered right to their doorsteps in a short time. The ecommerce market has grown rapidly over the past years and it is showing no signs of slowing down any time soon. 

As the world was dealing with the pandemic and strict lockdowns, online shopping became the norm. Ever since people realized how convenient and easy shopping online was, the ecommerce sector has only reached new heights. It is becoming increasingly easy for people to start an online business and build their brands. However, that also comes with a lot of challenges that you must overcome. 

If you are starting an online business, it is crucial that you are aware of all the ecommerce platforms available for you, the latest statistics for the best ecommerce platforms, and how an ecommerce platform can meet your business needs and help you grow. Once you understand the latest ecommerce statistics and how each one of the best ecommerce platforms is performing, you can make a more informed decision. 

If you work with the right platform and service, you can start your online business and expand your brand with ease. So, to help you make a sound decision, we have compiled the latest statistics and trends for the best ecommerce platforms, making sure you can get your online business running with a partner that meets all your business needs. 

Let’s dive right in!

Latest General Global Ecommerce Statistics

In 2021, retail ecommerce sales were an estimated $4.9 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide and over the next four years, it’s predicted this number will grow by 50%, reaching approximately $7.4 trillion by 2025 (thesocialshepherd, 2023)

The ecommerce market has been growing rapidly in the past few years and by 2025, it is expected to reach 7.4 trillion USD. 

Data shows that, on average, a consumer makes 19 online transactions per year (thesocialshepherd, 2023)

According to surveys, an average person makes around 19 online purchases every year. 

Consumers in China make an average of 22 online transactions in a single year (thesocialshepherd, 2023)

The number of online purchases per year vary from region to region, with people in China making 22 online transactions per year on average. 

It is estimated that there are anywhere between 12 and 24 million online stores

There is a huge number of online stores and new ecommerce businesses start every day, leading to an increase in this number in the coming years. 

Amazon saw almost 3.68 billion monthly visitors in 2020, making it a top online retailer worldwide

Amazon is one of the top, if not the top, ecommerce marketplaces in the world with over 3 billion monthly visitors. 

The second most popular online retailer was eBay, which saw a monthly average of 1.01 billion visitors

After Amazon, eBay is the most popular online marketplace with over 1 billion monthly visitors. 

41% of people say discounts and coupons is one of the main reasons they choose to shop online

Over 40% of people will choose to shop from an online store based on the discounts they can get from the store. 

35% of people say reviews from other people is one of the main reasons they choose to shop online

35% of people will choose to shop from an online store based on the reviews a store has. 

33% of people say an easy returns policy is one of the main reasons they choose to shop online

If the returns policy for an online store is easy and lenient, 33% of people will choose to shop from that store. 

30% of people say quick and easy checkout process is one of the main reasons they choose to shop online

An easy and quick checkout process is the reason why 30% of people choose to shop from an online store. 

28% of people say next-day delivery is one of the main reasons they choose to shop online

Delivery time is crucial and if you can offer next-day delivery, 28% of people will choose to shop from your store. 

22% of people say lots of positive comments on social media is one of the main reasons they choose to shop online

If you have a strong social media presence and positive comments from users, 22% of people will choose to shop from your store. 

It was forecasted that China would generate $2,779.31 billion in ecommerce sales during 2021

China generates the highest amount of revenue in sales as the number of purchases per person is also higher than the rest of the regions. 

In second place after China is the U.S. with an estimated $843.15 billion in sales

The U.S. generates the second highest revenue in online sales with 843.15 billion USD. 

The UK rounds out the top three, following China and the U.S., with $169.02 billion in sales

The UK comes in third as one of the countries with the highest sales revenue, with almost 170 billion USD generated. 

Argentina had the fastest ecommerce growth in 2020 with a 100.6% increase in online sales

Argentina is a country that has shown rapid growth in the ecommerce sector with their online sales increasing by 100.6%. 

Canada had the second fastest ecommerce growth in 2020 with a 75% increase in online sales

Canada has been the second fastest growing country in terms of ecommerce sales, with an increase of 75%. 

38.4% of online shoppers based in the U.S. are under the age of 35 and in fact, millennials (those born from 1981 to 1996) make up the largest group of online shoppers

The highest number of online shoppers in the U.S are under the age of 35 and millennials make up the largest percentage of the online shoppers in the country. 

Only 14.4% of those shopping online in the U.S. are 65 and above

The percentage of online shoppers that are 65 and above is not even 15% in the U.S. 

According to ecommerce statistics from Statista, online shopping revenue won’t be slowing down in the UK, as from 2021 to 2025, it’s predicted the overall ecommerce revenue in the UK will grow at an annual rate of 5.16%

The UK is a region where ecommerce has really taken off and it is predicted to grow at a rate of 5.16% annually till 2025. 

Looking at data from the third quarter of 2021, 72% of retail site visits in the UK came from a smartphone, which means 67% of online shopping orders were made via mobile devices

Mobile devices are convenient to use and they make online shopping more accessible for the customers. 

On the other hand, only 25% of retail website traffic was from desktop computers and accounted for 29% of all purchases in the UK

The traffic that comes from desktops for online stores is significantly low compared to mobile devices. 

It was estimated there would be 2.14 billion people worldwide shopping online to purchase goods and services in 2021, which is a big jump from just 1.66 billion people online shopping in 2016

More than 2 billion people all across the world are shopping online, which is a huge number and a significant increase from 2016. 

There are over three million live websites that are currently using WooCommerce, a WordPress plugin to power their online storefronts

WooCommerce is used by over three million websites for their online stores. 

There are 1.75 million merchants on Shopify

Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms and it is used by 1.75 million active merchants. 

There are over 250,000 merchants using Magento and over 600,000 active stores on Wix

Magento and Wix are also two of the most popular ecommerce platforms being used by numerous online stores. 

Ecommerce statistics show that online stores that also have a social media presence have, on average, 32% more sales than those not using social media

Social media has become an essential part of ecommerce and if you use social media for your online business you can make more sales. 

$65 is the average order value for customers who have been referred to an online shop via Instagram, higher than any other platform

Customers that visit an online store through Instagram have an average order value of 65 USD, which is higher than any other platform. 

Ecommerce statistics show that mobile purchases account for 45% of all ecommerce sales in the United States

Purchases from mobile devices are also high in the United States with 45% of all online purchases being made through a mobile device. 

Three out of four consumers say they shop from their phone

Three out of every four customers are using their mobile phones to shop online. 

33.6% of shoppers say they look up price comparisons on their mobile devices while shopping in a physical store

Over 33% of shoppers use their mobile phones to make price comparisons when they are in a physical store, making sure they are getting the best possible price. 

According to Google, users who have had a negative experience on a mobile website are 62% less likely to purchase from that same business in the future

The mobile shopping experience you create is crucial because 62% of shoppers will not return to your online business after one bad experience. 

Data shows the top reason people abandon carts is because of additional fees costing too much

If the additional fees are too high and they increase the total bill, people are more likely to abandon their shopping carts. 

50% of people say they’d purchase from a website’s chatbot with the help of conversational marketing

AI chatbots are essential for marketing and people use them for assistance when shopping on an online store. 


Source: (thesocialshepherd, 2023)

The Best Ecommerce Platforms Statistics

Shopify Statistics

  • Shopify made over $2.9 billion in revenue during 2020 and this number has increased by more than $2 billion since 2015, showing the platform’s steady growth over time
  • Shopify has contributed to $319 billion in global economic activity
  • There are over 5,300 businesses using Shopify Plus, which is an enterprise version of the Shopify platform and it is only available to merchants that have reached revenues between $1 million and $500 million
  • 79% of traffic to Shopify stores comes from a mobile device, such as a phone or tablet
  • Mobile devices accounted for just over 50% of all Shopify traffic in 2014, so that number has grown by nearly 30%
  • As of April 2021, there were almost 75.5k Shopify stores selling clothing and the second largest category was home and garden with 33.8k shops
  • In the UK alone, apparel was still the most popular category with 27.5% of stores selling clothes
  • In the UK, 14.9% of Shopify stores sold home and garden products and 11.5% sold beauty and fitness products
  • As of September 2021, Shopify was used by about 29% of websites with ecommerce capabilities in the U.S.
  • Most of the online shops hosted through Shopify have been created by customers based in the Americas, with about two-thirds of Shopify stores being based there
  • Shopify stores in the UK increased by 55% year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2021
  • Shopify holds 20% of the market share in the UK with WooCommerce in the lead
  • Looking at just the sales in 2020, 457 million people bought from a Shopify store and this number has increased by 52.33% over the past year, signaling a boost in online sales
  • Over 50% of Shopify stores see a buyer purchase two or more times from their store and over 62 million buyers have purchased from the same store twice, making up over 14% of buyers overall
  • Some of the top merchants using Shopify include Tesla, Sephora, and Nestle 

Source: (thesocialshepherd, 2023)

Shopify is one of the leading ecommerce platforms in the world. There is no denying the impact Shopify has had on the ecommerce sector and market. A huge percentage of all ecommerce stores choose Shopify as their platform of choice because it is reliable and user-friendly. 

As we can see from the statistics, Shopify stores have solidified their place in the ecommerce sector, with the businesses bringing in a huge number in revenue generated from their sales. Top brands like Sephora, Tesla, Nestle, and more have set up their online presence using Shopify. 

Most of the traffic that comes to Shopify stores comes from mobile devices, which is interesting to note. As an ecommerce platform, Shopify enables users to make their websites and online stores mobile-friendly, making sure they don’t miss out on any opportunities to make more sales and grow their business. 

A large majority of the online stores made using Shopify are made in the United States, and the UK comes in second. We can also see from the statistics that Shopify also holds a large share in the online store market in the UK, second only to WooCommerce


BigCommerce Statistics

  • With just under 50,000 live stores on the BigCommerce platform (compared with Shopify’s 3.83 million), thousands of new stores are being added every year
  • Home and garden product retailers account for 15.7% of BigCommerce stores (7,764 in total to date)
  • Apparel product retailers account for 15.0% of BigCommerce stores (7,387 in total to date)
  • Autos and vehicle product retailers account for 6.6% of BigCommerce stores (3,235 in total to date)
  • According to BigCommerce statistics and a survey of around 3,500 stores, the platform is overwhelmingly most popular with smaller stores of between one and nine employees
  • 48.25% of BigCommerce stores employ 1-9 people
  • 19.96% of BigCommerce stores employ 10-24 people
  • 10.66% of BigCommerce stores employ 25-49 people
  • 74.6% of live BigCommerce stores are in the U.S.
  • 6.5% of live BigCommerce stores are in Australia
  • 5.9% of live BigCommerce stores are in the UK
  • 2.7% of live BigCommerce stores are in Brazil
  • 2.7% of live BigCommerce stores are in Canada
  • 1.2% of live BigCommerce stores are in Hong Kong
  • 0.9% of live BigCommerce stores are in New Zealand
  • 78.6% of BigCommerce stores use .com domains
  • 5.1% of BigCommerce stores use domains (Australia)
  • 3.6% of BigCommerce stores use domains (UK)
  • Google’s reCAPTCHA app is the most popular app used by BigCommerce stores and it is used by 57.5% of BigCommerce stores
  • Facebook Pixel is one of the most popular apps for BigCommerce users and it is used by 34.6% of BigCommerce stores
  • Google Analytics is an app that is used by 31.9% of BigCommerce stores
  • USPS is used by 16.7% of BigCommerce stores for shipping
  • UPS is used by 14.5% of BigCommerce stores for shipping 
  • FedEx is used by 9.7% of BigCommerce stores for shipping 
  • 37.5% of stores that switch to BigCommerce migrate from Shopify
  • 17.5% of stores that switch to BigCommerce migrate from WooCommerce
  • 14.6% of stores that switch to BigCommerce migrate from Custom Cart
  • Facebook is the predominant social media platform for 28.6% of BigCommerce stores
  • Instagram is the second most predominant social media platform for 23.6% of BigCommerce stores
  • Twitter is the third most predominant social media platform for 13.7% of BigCommerce stores
  • Star City Games, Rock Bottom Golf, and Mountain Rose Herbs are some of the biggest stores on BigCommerce

Source: (acquireconvert, 2023)

BigCommerce has become one of the leading names in the ecommerce platform market over the past few years. There are many stores that are going live using BigCommerce, and according to the statistics, this number is growing rapidly with each passing day. Some of the most common categories for stores on BigCommerce include home and garden, apparel, and autos and vehicle products. 

It is also important to note that a lot of stores are also migrating to BigCommerce from other platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Custom Cart. The highest percentage of BigCommerce stores are based in the United States, followed by Australia, the UK, Brazil, and Canada. BigCommerce is an excellent platform that is helping stores like Star City Games and Mountain Rose Herbs to bring in a lot of traffic and generate leads constantly.

There are also some social media platforms that are linked with most of the BigCommerce accounts, with Facebook being the most predominantly used social media platform for BigCommerce Stores. Instagram and Twitter are also used by a lot of online stores on BigCommerce. 


Wix Statistics

  • At present, there are 674,171 live stores running on the Wix platform
  • Wix stores increased 7.9% quarter-over-quarter in 2022 Q4
  • Wix stores increased 41% year-over-year in 2022 Q4
  • When it comes to social media, Instagram is used by 56.4% of Wix stores, Facebook is used by 47.6% of Wix stores, and Twitter is used by 10.1% of Wix stores
  • 56% of Wix stores have an email on their website, whereas 42% of Wix stores provide a phone number on their website
  • When you look at the top categories for stores on Wix you can see that 10.2% of Wix stores sell Apparel products, 8.8% of Wix stores sell Beauty & Fitness products, and 7.9% of Wix stores sell Home & Garden products
  • Looking at the top four countries using Wix, 43.7% of Wix stores are in United States, 10.6% of Wix stores are in United Kingdom, 4.2% of Wix stores are in Canada, and 4.2% of Wix stores are in Brazil
  • When you look at other applications used by Wix stores, Fastly CDN is used by 5.4% of Wix stores, YouTube Player is used by 2.8% of Wix stores, and Google Adsense is used by 2.4% of Wix stores
  • The top shipping carriers used by Wix stores are USPS, which is used by 2.8% of Wix stores, Royal Mail, which is used by 1.3% of Wix stores, and UPS, which is used by 1.1% of Wix stores
  • Looking at the domain distribution, 69.7% of Wix stores have a .com domain, 4.8% of Wix stores have a domain, and 3.0% of Wix stores have a .org domain
  • HOUSE OF SUNNY, My Vintage, and Coulson Macleod are the top 3 stores that are using Wix

Source: (storeleads, 2023)

Wix is undoubtedly one of the biggest platforms for hosting websites all over the world. It is a platform that is used by a lot of ecommerce businesses as well as more than 650,000 online stores are currently live using Wix. When it comes to being user-friendly, Wix is one of the best rated platforms for websites and online stores. There are also many plugins and tools available that make your Wix store stand out and get more traffic and sales. 

When you look at the statistics, you can see that Wix is a platform that is continuously gaining more users. With every quarter, Wix has a higher percentage of users than before, showing us that more people find it reliable when it comes to setting up their ecommerce store and business. 

Looking at the stores that use Wix as their choice of platform, you can see that most of the stores are for apparel, beauty and fitness, and home and garden products. These are some of the most popular categories of products on Wix. 

A large majority of the stores on Wix are from the United States, followed by the UK, Canada, and Brazil. A lot of the online stores on Wix also choose to use YouTube and Google Adsense for their online stores. 


ShopWired Statistics

  • ShopWired has been awarded as the 19th most popular in the United Kingdom in Hosted Solution category
  • ShopWired has a market share of about 0.1% and the other major and competing platforms in this category include WooCommerce, Shopify, and Ecwid
  • Looking at ShopWired customers by industry, we find that Retail (37%) and Manufacturing (6%) are the largest segments
  • 91% of ShopWired customers are in United Kingdom, followed by 5% in the United States
  • Of all the customers that are using ShopWired, a majority (88%) are small (<50 employees), 0% are large (>1000 employees) and 9% are medium-sized (50-200 employees), based on the number of employees
  • Of all the customers that are using ShopWired, a majority (97%) are small (<$50M), 0% are large (>$1000M) and 0% are medium-sized, based on their revenue  

Source: (enlyft, 2023)

ShopWired is one of the most used hosting solutions in the United Kingdom and also has won awards for being one of the best in the ecommerce sector. Although ShopWired does not currently have a huge market share when you compare it with other major platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Ecwid, it is still growing rapidly. 

When you look at the top product categories that are being sold on the stores on ShopWired, you can see that most of the ShopWired stores are for retail and manufacturing businesses. ShopWired is considered one of the best ecommerce platforms in the UK, with a vast majority of the ShopWired stores being based in the UK. 

For most small businesses, ShopWired is their choice of ecommerce platform, as it has established its place as one of the leading platforms. It is also easy to use and manage for small businesses and businesses that are just starting out. As we can see from the statistics, not a lot of large enterprises or businesses use ShopWired for their stores. 

WooCommerce Statistics

  • The official WooCommerce plugin is downloaded over 161M times from and counting
  • At a minimum, the WooCommerce plugin gets 30,000 downloads every single day from, however, the monthly downloads of this plugin range between 1.5 and 2 million, as the download graph sees a significant spike once or twice a month
  • The most downloads WooCommerce has seen in a single day is 3,952,563, which was on 15th July, 2021
  • WooCommerce facilitated over $20 Billion of sales in 2020
  • According to Built With, among all the open-source platforms available on the internet, WooCommerce is the 2nd most popular platform with 12.96% of usage distribution
  • In 2019’s WooSesh, it was said that if all the WooCommerce stores formed a single country, its revenue would be greater than 35% of all the world’s countries
  • In 2019, WooCommerce stores had an estimated $11.8B of Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV)
  • WooCommerce’s repository on GitHub has 1055 contributors and counting and they have made 40,227 commits so far
  • WooCommerce has the 2nd highest market share of 23.43% among all ecommerce platforms
  • WordPress powers over 40% of the websites on the entire internet and according to a W3Techs report, 20.3% of all those WordPress websites use WooCommerce
  • A BuiltWith report says, of all the websites on the entire internet(that use an ecommerce technology), WooCommerce is used by 3,207,047 or 12.96% of them
  • WooCommerce serves approx. 4% of the top 1 million HTML pages
  • A BuiltWith report states they know at least 5,106,506 live websites that are using WooCommerce
  • According to a W3techs report, WooCommerce is used by 13.2% of all the websites whose content management system W3Techs knows, which ultimately becomes 8.7% of all the websites 

Source: (WPswings, 2022)

When it comes to ecommerce platforms, it is impossible to deny the impact WooCommerce has had on the online shopping sector. The WooCommerce plugin on WordPress has over 160 million downloads, showing just how popular and in-demand this platform really is. A lot of the biggest brands in the world use WooCommerce as their choice of ecommerce platform for their online store. 

Looking at the statistics, it is clear that WooCommerce brings in millions in form of revenue from sales and online transactions each year, establishing its place as one of the best ecommerce platforms for businesses. According to reports, 13.2% of all the websites in the world are powered by WooCommerce, which means 8.7% of all ecommerce websites are powered by WooCommerce. 

When you look at the ecommerce market, it is clear that WooCommerce is one of the biggest shareholders with over 23% of shares of the ecommerce market belonging to WooCommerce. 4% of the top one million HTMLs in the world are powered by WooCommerce, which once again shows how loved and used this platform really is by the big names. 


Volusion Statistics

  • At present, there are 6,801 live stores running on the Volusion platform
  • Volusion stores increased 0.5% quarter-over-quarter in 2022 Q4
  • Volusion stores increased 2% year-over-year in 2022 Q4
  • When it comes to social media usage on Volusion Stores, Facebook is used by 35.9% of Volusion stores, Twitter is used by 21.8% of Volusion stores, and Instagram is used by 17.7% of Volusion stores
  • 63% of Volusion stores provide a phone number on their website and 59% of Volusion stores have an email on their website
  • When it comes to the top categories for stores on Volusion we can see that 15.7% of Volusion stores sell Home & Garden products, 10.4% of Volusion stores sell Apparel products, and 10.3% of Volusion stores sell Business & Industrial products
  • Looking at the top countries using Volusion stores, we can see that 49.8% of Volusion stores are in the United States, 2.8% of Volusion stores are in Canada, 1.8% of Volusion stores are in the United Kingdom, and 1.2% of Volusion stores are in Australia
  • A breakdown of Volusion stores by the number of employees shows that 2.6% of Volusion stores have 1 – 9 employees, 0.6% of Volusion stores have 10 – 24 employees, and 0.3% of Volusion stores have 25 – 49 employees
  • Google Analytics is the top application on Volusion, used by 53.5% of Volusion stores, followed by Facebook SDK, which is used by 51.1% of Volusion stores, and then PayPal Checkout, which is used by 40.5% of Volusion stores
  • The top shipping carriers used by stores on Volusion are UPS, which is used by 10.5% of Volusion stores, USPS, which is used by 10.2% of Volusion stores, and Fedex, which is used by 6.4% of Volusion stores
  • Looking at the domain usage on Volusion we can see that 89.4% of Volusion stores have a .com domain, 2.8% of Volusion stores have a .net domain, and 1.7% of Volusion stores have a .org domain
  •®,, and Ty Ty Nursery are the top stores that are using Volusion

Source, (storeleads, 2022)

Volusion is another ecommerce platform that has started to gain traction and is slowly establishing itself as one of the best ecommerce platforms in the world. As you can see from the yearly and quarterly statistics, Volusion has slowly gained more users and the number of live stores that are using this platform has increased over the given time period. It is also highly likely that this percentage of increase of stores using Volusion will also continue to grow over the coming years. 

When it comes to the social media platforms being used by stores on Volusion, it is clear that Facebook is the leading choice, followed by Twitter and Instagram. Most of the stores that are on Volusion sell products in the home and garden category. There are also a high number of stores selling apparel and business and industrial products and services on Volusion. 

According to the statistics, Volusion is mostly used by businesses based in the United States. Canada, the UK, and Australia are also some countries that have a high number of online stores that are powered by Volusion. On the whole, Volusion is an ecommerce platform that is helping a lot of stores bring in traffic and increase their online sales. 


Sellfy Statistics

  • Sellfy is most often used by companies with 1-10 employees and 0M-1M dollars in revenue
  • Some of the top companies that use Sellfy include Joe Allam, TechHub, Lux Technology, YouTube, LLC, and New York Stone
  • In the ecommerce category, Sellfy has a market share of about 0.1% and other major and competing platforms in this category include Ecwid, Shopify, and WooCommerce
  • Looking at Sellfy users by industry, we find that Computer Software (6%), Information Technology and Services (6%), Marketing and Advertising (6%) and Music (6%) are the largest segments
  • Looking at the top countries that use Sellfy we can see that 25% of Sellfy users are in United States, 9% are in United Kingdom, and 6% are in Netherlands
  • Of all the businesses that are using Sellfy, a majority (53%) are small (<50 employees), 13% are large (>1000 employees) and 28% are medium-sized, based on their employees
  • Of all the businesses that are using Sellfy, a majority (66%) are small (<$50M), 15% are large (>$1000M) and 15% are medium-sized, based on their revenue

Source: (enlyft, 2023)

Sellfy is a website hosting platform for ecommerce businesses and online stores that has become the number one choice for some of the biggest companies in the world. With a roster of high value clients like YouTube, New York Stone, and TechHub, Sellfy has established its place as one of the best ecommerce platforms in the world. People can look at the statistics and performance of the stores using Sellfy to determine that it is a reliable and user-friendly platform. 

A large majority of the online stores using Sellfy are selling computer software and IT services and products. There are also some marketing companies that are using the platform for their store and selling their services. Another interesting statistic to note is that a lot of music stores are also using Sellfy for their online retail. 

The spread of small, medium, and large sized businesses using Sellfy is interesting. According to the statistics, we can see that a large majority of the businesses that are using Sellfy for their stores are small. Medium and large sized businesses using Sellfy are almost equal in number according to the data. 


Squarespace Statistics

  • Squarespace was launched publicly in 2004 and the company hit a milestone of $100 million in bookings in 2015
  • Currently, Squarespace has 3.79 million subscribers and generates $754.2 million in annualized revenue
  • Squarespace generated $621.15 million in revenue in 2020
  • Squarespace’s current annual revenue run rate is $754.2 million
  • Squarespace had operating expenses of $482.59 million in 2020
  • Squarespace has 1,261 full-time employees
  • Squarespace’s annualized revenue run rate is $754.2 million, which is up 37.34% since 2019
  • Squarespace generates 70.71% of its revenue from US customers and as of March 2021, that amounts to $127.04 million for the year
  • GMV on the Squarespace platform reached $3.9 billion in 2020 and this figure has grown by 91.18% since 2019
  • Marketing and sales costs account for the majority (53.88%) of Squarespace’s expenses
  • Squarespace is responsible for 1.7% of all websites on the Internet
  • Squarespace receives 30 million unique visitors each month
  • Users can create a Squarespace website and connect a Google Analytics account in about ten minutes
  • One in five Squarespace sites uses Google analytic tools to monitor its success online
  • The company’s site that offers access to the Squarespace app is the second most visited website that uses the website builder
  • Squarespace has an app to install on a mobile device which can be used to edit blog post content, change the layout of a template, or paste a Google Analytics tracking code
  • Roughly 23,000 Squarespace websites access analytics by using a Facebook Pixel tracking ID
  • Analytics say that 99.3% of online stores powered by the Squarespace platform deliver goods using UPS
  • The Squarespace platform is used by 1% of the top 1,000 sites
  • Squarespace holds 24% of the market share in Singapore
  • The Squarespace website builder platform takes 19% of the market in Australia
  • Squarespace takes only 8% of the website builder market in Denmark and Norway
  • According to Squarespace statistics and analytics, the company’s market share in Indonesia is 10%
  • The market share of Squarespace in Sweden and the UK is 5%
  • An average user spends 4 minutes 40 seconds on a website and explores five pages
  • The USA is the primary traffic source with a 55% share of unique website visitors
  • Google, the most popular search engine, is the source of 20% of traffic and 89% of it is organic and the company’s name is included in the top 4 search keywords of all time, according to analytics

Source: (Thrivemyway, 2023)

Squarespace is one of the biggest platforms for website creation and hosting all over the world. A huge majority of these websites are ecommerce sites and online stores. When you look at the statistics, you can see that online stores that use Squarespace bring in millions of dollars in revenue each year, proving that Squarespace has established its place as one of the best ecommerce platforms in the world. 

Squarespace understands that building your ecommerce store should be easy and user-friendly, which is why this platform is easy to use. You can also download the Squarespace app on your phone and make sure the website or online store you create is also mobile-friendly. 

According to statistics, 1% of the top 1000 sites on the internet are using Squarespace, which is a huge testament to the reliability of the platform. The United States remains as the top country that uses Squarespace for online stores and ecommerce websites. 


Magento Statistics

  • As of October 2022, there are more than 167,000 active ecommerce sites powered by Magento 1 and almost 100,000 powered by Magento 2, this accounts for around 0.9% of all online stores (cmminds, 2023)
  • Magento powers 0.6% of the internet as a whole (cmminds, 2023)
  • Almost 100,000 of the total Magento stores run on Magento 2 (cmminds, 2023)
  • As of October 2022, Magento has a 0.9% market share of all websites that use a known content management systems (cmminds, 2023)
  • Magento is downloaded nearly 5,000 times every day (cmminds, 2023)
  • The majority of Magento users are in the United States, with 59,739 sites on Magento 1 and 35,906 on Magento 2 (cmminds, 2023)
  • The country with the second most Magento powered websites is the United Kingdom, with 12,628 websites live there on Magento 1 and 8,601 on Magento 2 (cmminds, 2023)
  • Netherlands comes in third with a total of 10,644 sites using Magento 1 and 7,364 using Magento 2 (cmminds, 2023)
  • 9 of the top 10 countries for Magento 1 stores are in the Americas and Europe with the exception of #8, Australia and it’s almost the same for Magento 2, which also include India in the top 10 countries (cmminds, 2023)
  • 202 Magento users are in the Internet Retailer Top 1000 list (cmminds, 2023)
  • Magento continues to be used and trusted by some of the biggest brands on the planet, including household names like Coca Cola and Ford (cmminds, 2023)
  • Magento handles $155 billion (USD) worth of transactions every year (cmminds, 2023)
  • Merchants using Magento grow 3 times faster, on average (webtribunal, 2022)
  • Magento is the third most popular ecommerce platform globally (webtribunal, 2022)
  • Nearly 7,500 customers have migrated to Magento from OpenCart, osCommerce, and VirtueMart in the last year (webtribunal, 2022)
  • The number of online shoppers served by Magento merchants was expected to increase by 200% between 2016 and 2020 (webtribunal, 2022)
  • Time-to-value/investment payback with Magento is approximately 5.2 months (webtribunal, 2022)
  • There are 4,136 extensions available at the Magento marketplace (webtribunal, 2022)
  • Magento was acquired by Adobe in 2018 for $1.68 billion (webtribunal, 2022)
  • Magento stores increased 4.4% quarter-over-quarter in 2022 Q4 and 15% year-over-year in 2022 (storeleads, 2023)
  • When it comes to the social media platforms used by Magento stores, Facebook is used by 45.9% of Magento stores, Instagram is used by 35.3% of Magento stores, and Twitter is used by 20.2% of Magento stores  (storeleads, 2023)
  • Looking at the top categories for the stores on Magento you can see that 10.9% of Magento stores sell Home & Garden products, 9.4% of Magento stores sell Apparel products, and 5.0% of Magento stores sell Business & Industrial products (storeleads, 2023)
  • When it comes to the apps used by Magento stores, 9.4% of Magento stores have installed the Improved Layered Navigation Magento app, 2.8% of Magento stores have installed the AJAX Cart Pro Magento app, and 1.5% of Magento stores have installed the Yotpo Reviews Magento app (storeleads, 2023)
  • Some of the top technologies used by stores on Magento include Google Tag Manager, which is used by 45.4% of Magento stores, Google Adsense that is used by 42.7% of Magento stores, and Google Analytics which is used by 40.5% of Magento stores (storeleads, 2023)
  • As far as the top shipping carriers for Magento are concerned, UPS is used by 7.0% of Magento stores, Fedex is used by 4.5% of Magento stores, and USPS is used by 3.7% of Magento stores (storeleads, 2023)

Magento has established itself as one of the best ecommerce platforms in the world. Almost 1% of all ecommerce websites and online stores are powered by Magento 1 or Magento 2, showing us how reliable the platform is. Some of the biggest brands in the world use Magento for their websites and online stores. 

On average, it is observed that merchants that use Magento grow three times faster than merchants that use any other ecommerce platform. With over 5000 downloads every day, Magento has cemented its place as one of the fastest growing ecommerce platforms in the world. 

As we can see from the statistics, Magento continues to grow at a rate of 15% year-over-year, proving that more online stores and ecommerce websites are choosing to work with the platform. Apparel, home and garden, and business and industrial products seem to be the most popular product categories on Magento, with most of the Magento stores being based in the United States. 


Ecwid Statistics

  • At present, there are 181,449 live stores running on the Ecwid platform (storeleads, 2023)
  • Ecwid stores increased 4.2% quarter-over-quarter in 2022 (storeleads, 2023)
  • Ecwid stores increased 21% year-over-year in 2022 (storeleads, 2023)
  • Looking at the social media usage by Ecwid stores we can see that Facebook is used by 53.6% of Ecwid stores, Instagram is used by 52.7% of Ecwid stores, and Twitter is used by 16.6% of Ecwid stores (storeleads, 2023)
  • 56% of Ecwid stores have an email on their website for their contact information and 53% of Ecwid stores provide a phone number on their website (storeleads, 2023)
  • When you look at the top categories for stores on Ecwid you can see that 7.7% of Ecwid stores sell Arts & Entertainment products, 6.4% of Ecwid stores sell Food & Drink products, and 6.3% of Ecwid stores sell Apparel products (storeleads, 2023)
  • Looking at the top four countries for Ecwid usage you can see that 31.6% of Ecwid stores are in United States, 7.0% of Ecwid stores are in United Kingdom, 3.8% of Ecwid stores are in Canada, and 3.1% of Ecwid stores are in Australia (storeleads, 2023)
  • A breakdown of all Ecwid stores by number of employees shows that 0.3% of Ecwid stores have 1 – 9 employees, 0.1% of Ecwid stores have 10 – 24 employees, and 0.1% of Ecwid stores have 25 – 49 employees (storeleads, 2023)
  • A breakdown of Ecwid stores by the number of products they sell shows that 61.9% of Ecwid stores sell 1 – 9 different products, 9.0% of Ecwid stores sell 10 – 24 different products, and only 5.4% of Ecwid stores sell 25 – 49 different products (storeleads, 2023)
  • When you look at the top technologies used by Ecwid stores you can see that Cloudfront CDN is used by 16.4% of Ecwid stores, Vimeo is used by 14.5% of Ecwid stores, and YouTube Player is used by 10.8% of Ecwid stores (storeleads, 2023)
  • Looking at the top shipping carriers used by stores on Ecwid we can see that USPS is used by 67.2% of Ecwid stores, UPS is used by 67.0% of Ecwid stores, and Fedex is used by 0.8% of Ecwid stores (storeleads, 2023)
  • Based on the top-level domain distribution of stores on Ecwid, 60.5% of Ecwid stores have a .com domain, 7.6% of Ecwid stores have a .site domain, and 4.1% of Ecwid stores have a .org domain (storeleads, 2023)

Ecwid has over a million active online stores that use the platform to go live. When you look at the year-over-year rate of increase, you can see that Ecwid has had an increase of 21%, which is some of the highest for any ecommerce platform. This continuous growth has established Ecwid as one of the best ecommerce platforms in the world.

Stores on Ecwid also choose to use social media platforms with their online stores with Facebook being the most popular social media platform of choice, followed by Instagram and Twitter. According to reports, the most popular product categories for Ecwid stores include arts and entertainment, food and drink, and apparel, 

Looking at the stores that use Ecwid, you can see that a vast majority of businesses using this platform are based in the United States. Other countries that also have a significant amount of Ecwid stores include the UK, Canada, and Australia. 

Are You Looking For End-To-End Ecommerce Solutions?

Getting your ecommerce business up and running is not an easy task. Once you decide the perfect platform for your online store, get all the products listed on your website, launch your online store, there is still something you need to take care of: your ecommerce fulfillment

If you don’t have the right ecommerce fulfillment tools and partner, your business can suffer. To make sure you don’t have to worry about a single thing, you need a leading ecommerce fulfillment solution, which can be provided by Meteor Space. Here at Meteor Space, we make sure that we offer you end-to-end solutions based on your business needs! 

We can store and manage your inventory in our state-of-the-art fulfillment center, pick and pack orders, provide fast shipping, and offer you access to the latest technology and software, streamlining all your ecommerce fulfillment processes. Meteor Space makes sure you have all the tools you need to take your business to the next level. 

Not only that, but we also offer special services like kitting and assembly, custom packaging, customer support, and so much more! With us as your reliable ecommerce fulfillment partners, you can lower your expenses and focus on expanding your business through top-notch marketing strategies and campaigns while we handle your ecommerce fulfillment completely. 

Sounds like everything you’ve been looking for? Get in touch with us to get started with your ecommerce fulfillment right away!

Get started today!